Why Z-Terra Software?
Fast Results
Our processing system, the Wide Azimuth Depth Imaging System (WADIS) is designed to reduce turnaround times for large 3-D seismic projects (on the order of 2500 square kilometers) from 6–8 months to 1–2 months.
The system is based on a combination of Smart Migrations™ (ultra-fast imaging algorithms that allow for very fast imaging iterations — on the order of minutes for imaging thousands of square kilometers) and very fast migration velocity analysis tools (including wide-azimuth tomography) within an optimally designed workflow.
One such imaging method is Fast Beam Migration, a super-efficient algorithm that is two orders of magnitude faster than the industry standard Kirchhoff depth migration. The faster imaging processes allow for more velocity model building iterations (30–40 iterations in lieu of the current 7–10.) A greater number of velocity updates enable the processing team to enhance the seismic resolution and imaging of complex geologic structures and allow for deeper data penetration and steeper dip and subsalt structure imaging.
More accurate velocity models in combination with Fast Beam Migration and wave-equation imaging provide much greater resolution and accuracy than that which can currently be obtained through standard imaging technology. This advanced imaging methodology improves success rates and cost effectiveness for new deep-field discoveries, greatly reduces turnaround times for large surveys, and also has applications in increasing recovery efficiency for the development of existing fields.
ZTomo-360 is a novel migration velocity analysis tool that performs wide azimuth tomography using extended gathers, a method pioneered by Paul Sava, professor at Colorado School of Mines. It has the potential to greatly enhance the resolution of the tomography generated velocity models. All of the imaging and tomographic updates are designed to handle VTI and TTI anisotropy.
A Complete Depth Imaging System
- ZTK Kirchhoff PSTM and PSDM with anisotropic VTI and TTI travel times
- ZTK-DI Kirchhoff diffraction imaging in time and depth
- ZTomo Horizon-constrained grid-based tomography
- ZTomo-360 Wide azimuth tomography using extended gathers
- Z-EOS Visualization and velocity model building
- Z-FBM Fast Beam Migration
- Z5D 5-D interpolation using azimuth moveout
- Z-SPM One-way shot profile wave equation migration
- Z-RTM Two-way reverse time wave equation migration
- ZFA Spectral decomposition and super-resolution thin layer inversion
- Z-Mod Acoustic modeling, wave equation illumination
- Z-FWI Full waveform inversion in the data domain
- Z-FWII Full waveform inversion in the image domain
Intuitive Graphical User Interfaces and 3-D/4-D Visualization
- Intuitive graphical user interface for each module
- Base map viewer for input data and grid definition
- Beam and ray QC and visualization tools
- 3-D/4-D synchronized visualization, input data, gathers, stack, velocity model, travel times, base map
Innovative Seismic Solutions
- VTI and TTI anisotropy
- Orthorhombic anisotropy in Q4
- True amplitude consistency throughout all modules
- 3-D 360 degree wide azimuth tomography using extended gathers
- Diffraction imaging
- Topography
- Converted waves, OBC, VSP geometry
- Targets, grid of targets, sparse target lines
- Gamma migration scans
- Anti-aliasing: triangles, boxcar, multiple bandpass
- Optimization of data distribution on parallel nodes
- Job monitoring
- Node addition and removal during runtime
- Adaptive runtime parameter optimization
- PWD filter 5-D Beam Forming
- Slant Stack 5-D Beam Forming
- 5-D multiple dips detection
- Automatic Vrms estimation
- Single and multiple parameter residual velocity estimation
- Automatic or manual residual velocity picking
- VTI and TTI velocity updates
- Topographic updates
- Automatically generated back-projection points
- Layer freezing or global updates
- Global and local error visualization and QC