Blog Archives

High-Tech Low-Tech – The Curmudgeon’s Column

An old Silicon Valley mantra postulates that money is not in technology but in the business application of technology. When I posted in LinkedIn a link to my Geophysical Society of Houston Technical Lunch in order to generate some publicity

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Diffraction Imaging – The Curmudgeon’s Column

In the last post, I explained the title of the column comes from the book by Charles Murray The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Getting Ahead. With the Curmudgeon in mind, I have a few more comments to make about our life

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Z-Terra Newsletter – October 2020

Dear Friends of Z-Terra: In our quarterly Newsletter we want to keep you updated with what is happening at Z-Terra, new software features and products, new business projects, technology updates, people, and news. Z-Terra Expands Last year in December Z-Terra

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Online Tech Lunch: High Resolution Beam Tomography for Velocity Model Building – September 23rd, 2020

Beam Tomography (BT) is a novel high resolution, wide azimuth migration velocity analysis tool using Beam Migration. The high resolution updates are comparable to FWI results, with three orders of magnitude more efficiency. A 2000 sq km velocity model can

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Beam Technology and Beam Tomography – The Curmudgeon’s Column

In my classification, beam migrations are a subset of smart migrations, a class of algorithms that uses information in the prestack input data to guide the migration operator, in contrast with brute force migrations (or dumb migrations) such as Kirchhoff

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Z-TERRA NORTH Inc. is the New Member of Z-TERRA Inc. Family

Z-Terra North Inc. is a new seismic processing company dedicated to serve the local and foreign exploration and production oil and gas markets, recently formed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The new company is a subsidiary of the well-known Houston, Texas

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Divestco Inc. Closes Purchase of the Processing Division of Geo-X Systems Ltd.

DIVESTCO INC. is pleased to announce that it has closed the previously announced purchase of the Processing Division business of Calgary based Geo-X Systems Ltd. for consideration of C$11.5 million. Read the full press release here >

Posted in Press Releases

Mihai Popovici on the state of the industry

On the walls of our Houston Z-Terra office, we have a lot of movie posters.  It’s a tradition that started at 3DGeo when our office was across the road from Silicon Graphics, which made computers used for computer generated imagery

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