Mr. Ron Boese
Director of Sales and Marketing

In 2002 Mr. Boese joined Fugro-Jason. His roles with Fugro-Jason in Houston, Texas included Sales Manager for North and South America. In 2006 Ron moved to London, England as Business Manager of the Fugro-Jason London, UK office where he hired and managed an integrated technical team of Petrophysicists, Geophysicists, Geologists and Reservoir Engineers providing seismic to simulation services and software to Southern Europe and the Netherlands.
In 2009 Mr. Boese joined JOA Oil and Gas as Sales Manager for the Americas. He helped to establish the Jewel Suite Geological modeling software as a preferred tool for modeling unconventional reservoirs in the US. In 2010 the company was acquired by Baker Hughes, Inc. In 2011 Mr. Boese joined Spectraseis as Sales Director in the Houston office. In 2012 Mr. Boese joined Z-Terra.